Last day of school

Tomorrow is the last day of school which means it is my baby's last day in Kindergarten. Earlier today my friend was saying how she's feeling a little sad that her little one is finishing up Kindergarden. It didn't really hit me. I mean, I heard her but it didn't hit me emotionally, until tonight.

Tonight, we had the most amazing end-of-the-year class party where we honored the teacher and celebrated a wonderful year. There were some funny stories told, many laughters, and a few tears shed.  We received a beautiful year book that was put together by our home room parent and an individualized, month-by-month photo/work journal from the teacher. It's so much fun to see the transformation, from the handwritings to the drawings to their faces. Things could really change so much in a short year.

The kindergarten year is special. Kinders are still babies. They're cuddly, they adore their parents, they make the cutest sound of giggles, they may still have those chubby cheeks, and some, like Gebu, even have all their baby teeth in tact. And, they do give the best hugs! In 1st grade, it's quite a different story. They're officially in grade school and have started their journey to becoming independent.

Looking back, I'm most thankful that I got to spend the time I did in class with the children. They grow up too fast. It has truly been a great year.  I feel very lucky to be part of this wonderful class.


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