Goodwill Hunting: New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! 

I was hanging out with my sister a couple of days ago and she asked me what my new year resolution was. That got me to thinking that every year the number one resolution on my list is to get organized. My console table near the front door used to look like this: 

Then, I found this at a little thrift/antique store for $12:

Now my console table looks like this:

So while "get organized" will always be on my list, this year I want to learn how to do more upcycle projects. I found this book at Savers for $3.99. 

I should've taken a closer look before I bought the book because out of 108 ideas I only like 8. The rest are old T-shirts turned into another type of garment such as a mini-skirt or some funky tops. They're just not my style.  I do like the author's blog. Check out her Harold and the Purple Crayon Halloween costume. So cute!

There are a few cute things in the book that I might make:

So was it worth the $3.99 to me? Not really. But it did inspire me and maybe I'll come up with my own upcycle ideas.

Now that lili is living her life imagined, I wonder what her new year resolutions are.

 Next month, Valentine's Day.


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