Garden update

We just came back from our trip to Hong Kong. It's nice to be back but it was also hard to leave.  The boys were starting to speak Cantonese more. Jebu started to use complete sentences towards the end of the trip and I could tell B could understand some complex conversations. It was pretty amazing to see that they can learn so quickly but it's sad we had to leave when they're just getting used to the language. But now, we must get back to practicing our Spanish!

One thing I missed while away was my garden. I moved some bell pepper outside before we left for Hong Kong. To my surprise, we came back to these healthy bell pepper plants ready to fruit.  They were planted from seeds on the window sill. The seeds are from some organic bell peppers I got from Trader Joes!

Even more of a surprise, our 2 1/2 year old dwarf pomegranate tree has 3 baby pomegranates! 

 I'm now more motivated than ever. Next thing I think I'll plant is some Asian greens.


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