April Showers

April shower has always been a tough one for me. Ideally, I'd like to find a raincoat like the one lili found a couple of year ago.  I was jealous. 

Those good finds don't come easy so I had to be creative. Since I've been on this homesteading mode lately and April is typically an important month for gardeners, I thought it's not too much of a stretch to find something about gardening for this month's theme April Showers. At The Shop one day, I saw this book on Kids Gardening for $2. 

like my white picket fence? 

the graphics are so cute

The boys and I planted the beans together. Beans are such a fool proof choice if you're planting with kids. They sprout easily and grow quickly. It's very satisfying.

Peas are another wonderful choice. I planted the seeds directly in the ground about 2 months ago and harvested our first peas this week. The leaves are edible too. I roasted the leaves on a lightly oiled skillet until they turn dry and crispy. Kids love them!   

Let's check out what lili found for April Showers. Next month, May Flowers.


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